Batman Dentist
Batman Dentist
Batman Dentist
Don't let Batman become famous for his bad breath as he is for his good deeds.
What is it about?
I am sure that Bruce Wayne has enough money to pay the best dentist in the county. However, this wealthy industrial can't risk exposure by going to the dentist. He can't risk his identity as a night avenger be accidentally blown. So if he get a toothache, he literally takes matters into his own hands. He goes to his super-secret hideout, famous Bat-cave and once there he manages with what he has. Some of his bat-gadgets are modified so they can serve as dental instruments.

Yes, superheroes can have toothache as well!
Perhaps you are surprised by this statement, but yes, it is true. Even heroes like Batman can have a toothache. And not just one tooth. Our hero was so preoccupied with the fate of Gotham and his residents that he had completely forgot about dental hygiene. Some teeth show only small discolored surfaces, which can be removed by polishing with some toothpaste. Other teeth have bigger problems and need to be drilled, while others leave no choice but to be pulled out. In the end, when you are finished, press 'done' button and take a look at your work. Don't let anything slip by you, or Batman could become known for his bad breath as he is for his feats. And we simply can't let that happen, can we?
Batman Dentist - Video Walkthrough by on YouTUBE
batmin (270) - 2015-01-09, 13:36everybody's gotta go to the dentist ...sometimes.. even Batman